Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, March 10, 2022
Repost - Messages about Russia Carbonia 16.4.2014 - 3.7.2014 - 8.10.2015
Messages from God The Fater and Jesus to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Extracted list of messages published in Carbonia (from 2002 to 2021) where the entry "Russia" is highlighted.
April 16, 2014
... ... ... Blow and will blow stronger the wind of sorrow. Europe will suffer a great earthquake, My children will weep for not having listened to Me, for not having been with Me in keeping My Commandments.
America will fall! Like a suffering child without its mother it will be! Her evil has been great in God's eyes, America's children will weep!
Their power will collapse! it will be defeated by the enemy! he who they had believed to be their friend, behold he will put to death she who was the dictator of the world.
Russia is already riding the war all over the Earth.
Korea will accompany her in this destruction and China will be the princess at Russia's side.
Here is the war announced in Fatima!
Here is the ordeal of the iniquitous man, of the man who did not want to put down his faith in his Creator God and left in the arms of death.
You have flaunted My Laws, you have fed on the poison of the enemy, behold, what you have sown you will now reap.
They will be years of sorrow for the children of Satan, but they will remain unscathed to every evil work, the children of Love.
The adversary is ready to sit on My Throne, My Church will fall by the impetus of My anointed ones, they have given themselves to the world for the power of the things of this world, they have renounced Me, they have betrayed Me, they have turned against Me, their Creator God.
Babylon is over!
Behold the Light will now come forth and flood everything with Itself.
It is the end of a time of evil, it is the resurrection for the children of God Love.
PEACE BE UNTO YOU. Enjoy the continuation of this last passion!
The enemy will stay away from the children of Love, the sweet Spring will take them with Itself.
I love you infinitely and I bless you
03 July 2014
Russia will dictate its candidacy for world premier!
... ... ... Live by My Word, O men, and write My Word, spread My Truth to the world.
Beloved Ones, I your loving God am coming today to give you of Me, accept Me into your heart and never doubt My Word. Believe My Truth and you will be rewarded.
China is in turmoil!
The Nation of the United States is on alert!
Russia will dictate its candidacy as world premier and China will accompany it!
Watch in the situation, be vigilant and never detach yourself from prayer. Satan is defacing the hearts of men, he wants to destroy My creature but he will have a limit that is dictated by Heaven. He will not be able to take God's children because God the Father will intervene with a warning and man will be aware of his spiritual situation and many will return to God Love.
... ... ...
October 8, 2015
... ... The battle is about to reach its climax, Satan's poison has entered the hearts of many of My children, they have allowed themselves to be taken by him, his bite has been fatal.
AMERICA plays its wrong cards, its collapse is imminent.
RUSSIA presses her rise, her grip will not let up, her thirst is great, her empire will grow through the blood of My children.
Be vigilant, the wind blows hard from the East, the tanks of war already invade the lands, for their conquest, many will be the corpses on the battlefields.
CHINA will invade the world with its troops, its enterprise is to become "the great China", the only great kingdom on Earth.
Attention, My children, pray to your Father who is in Heaven to intervene to put an end to this fratricidal war, an abomination in the eyes of God!
Poverty and destruction, will cross the Earth: famine will be great for men!
Man has disobeyed the Laws of his God-Love, he has clothed himself with gold and incense, he has wanted, in his free will and because of his great pride, to forget his God-Creator, to follow the flattery of the cursed serpent, but now there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
In My infinite Love, I come to visit My people with the Envoy who will soon manifest Himself under the sacred guise of Peter. He will declare the Church to be the Holy Church of God, he will take charge of it from Above and fight against iniquity; he will make His Church shine in the light of His Lord God. He will show the world the Power of God, so that men will see and believe and will have the chance to save themselves, returning to their God Love, celebrating God Love! To him they will ask forgiveness with a sincere heart!
The final part of the story, in the fight between Good and Evil is this!
The time has come when the God of Eternal Love will destroy Satan by sending him back to Hell. Satan will be chained, and these chains will be for him the Holy Hands of God, from which he will never again be able to free himself.
God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
... ... ...
NB. These will be followed by another 12 messages on the same subject that will be broadcast in the coming days.
Source: ➥